Synthesis Adonis
The well-known precision and quality repertory Synthesis, now combines cutting edge advances in implementing new clinical findings, provings and families information. This will quickly become the first repertory you want to look in when you open RadarOpus! Synthesis Adonis is the successor of Synthesis Treasure Edition 2009V and is a major step forward, offering the fruits of over 12 years work of our team! A wealth of information has been added, many corrections have been executed and some innovative new ideas are included in this version. Learn more |
17 Repertory Package
17 classic repertories available together in one simple package. ( Included in the Master package.)
Additional purchase in Easy, Classic and Professional packages.
Includes: Boger-Boenninghausen Repertory | Boger’s Synoptic Key | Boger’s General Analysis
Boericke | Bhatia's Repertory of Remedies in the Common Cold, | Clarke's Clinical Repertory | Choudhury's Hints for Treatment of Cancer | Drake's Repertory of Warts and Condylomata | Foster's Toothache and it's Cure, Guernsey's Repertory of Haemorrhoid's
Kent's Repertory | Master's Hair Loss | Pulford's Repertory of Pneumonia, | Phatak's Concise Repertory | Robert's Sensations as If | Sudarshan's Repertory of Non-malarial Fevers | Sukumaran's Main Symptoms of Heart Problems | Ward's Sensations as If
17 classic repertories available together in one simple package. ( Included in the Master package.)
Additional purchase in Easy, Classic and Professional packages.
Includes: Boger-Boenninghausen Repertory | Boger’s Synoptic Key | Boger’s General Analysis
Boericke | Bhatia's Repertory of Remedies in the Common Cold, | Clarke's Clinical Repertory | Choudhury's Hints for Treatment of Cancer | Drake's Repertory of Warts and Condylomata | Foster's Toothache and it's Cure, Guernsey's Repertory of Haemorrhoid's
Kent's Repertory | Master's Hair Loss | Pulford's Repertory of Pneumonia, | Phatak's Concise Repertory | Robert's Sensations as If | Sudarshan's Repertory of Non-malarial Fevers | Sukumaran's Main Symptoms of Heart Problems | Ward's Sensations as If
The Botanical Repertory - Mikal Yakir
Yakir's ground-breaking insights can be now accessed in the most practical way in RadarOpus. Drag & drop into a clipboard, based on your understanding, the row, column, plant family or theme for your analysis. A thematic repertory is included! This pioneering work has not only brought order to the gigantic kingdom of flowering plants, it has quickly become widely accepted by many experienced Homeopaths across the globe - utilising this elegant system in daily clinical practice. More information..... |
Thematic Repertory - Luke Norland
The Thematic Repertory does the hard work of grouping similar mind rubrics for you to analysis remedies and families with speed and simplicity. There are 92 themes and over 850 individual rubrics:
Bönninghausen Repertory TPB2 - George Dimitriadis
The 2nd edition is now published and available as a module on RadarOpus Classic and RadarOpus Professional. This publication has come about due to the meticulous work by George Dimitriadis and the growing demand from many homeopaths worldwide for a repertory to best represent the teachings and intentions of Hahnemann. This detailed work has been completely rechecked and corrected against the newly accessed original TT manuscript with many more references to materia medica original sources and explanatory endnotes. This is a valuable repertory to use in your clinical practice on a daily basis and as a homeopathic practitioner, feel confident that all the information in the TBR2 is by far the most reliable and accurate repertory available. |
Murphy's Repertory 3.0
Robin Murphy's Repertory of the Homeoapthic Materia Medica is unique, having completely restructured with a simplified alphabetic approach and modernised the language to make working with the a repertory simple for practitioners unfamiliar with the Kentian structure. Murphy's repertory has long been a favourite among practitioners and students alike, with this new addition expanding the repertory in new directions and the inclusion of many additions from Robin's own clinical experience. |
Sherr's Mental Qualities
Originally created by Jeremy for his own use in his practice, the repertory bring the genius of Boenninghausen's approach to the Mind chapter for the first time. Recognising that to solve a case it is often necessary to find the right rubric, contain the right medicine, Jeremy created a new approach to mental symptoms. Containing meta-rubrics sourced from both classical and modern material, Jeremy's repertory allows you to easily find the rubric needed for your client, and you can be sure that he has found every remedy with that symptoms and include them in the rubric. You can confidently and easily find the rubric for that client with victim, mentality, or a love of animals, or may of the other mental symptoms we see every day in modern practice. |
Degroote's Repertory of Dreams
Containing more than 100,000 dream rubrics and 150,000 remedy references, DeGroote has created the premier reference book for working with our client's dream symptoms. With an entirely new structure designed to convey the full details of a dream as recorded by the prover or client in practice, DeGroote's Repertory of Dreams provides easy access to a wealth of material not available anywhere else. DeGroote finally provides a clear and coherrent reference tool, that will take your work in the dream realm to new levels of excellence in the selection of the simillimum. |